Workshops are fully customized to the stage of development you are currently in. Because of that it’s difficult to give a good description of what the workshop will be for you. Below are a few examples of what the workshop could be. The workshop costs €500,- (ex tax) for a morning or afternoon session. This is excluding any (optional) costs made for renting a location.


A workshop in which the proces from idea to workable concept is first presented, and then done in a group. During this, we will deconstruct the idea into the smallest constituent parts. From there we will create several concepts through brainstorming and other creative tools. We then test the concepts against the original idea to determine fit. The workshop will (ideally) result in a workable idea fit for further development.


Any idea is based on a number of assumptions. These can be about technology, market fit, market size, etc. In the workshop Validation we will identify these assumptions, value their importance, and see how every assumption can be tested (validated). Through this technique, the core values of your idea (and thus business) will be tested. This results in what is known as validated learnings.


In this workshop, you will learn the mindset that is prototyping. You will learn of varying methods to design and build your prototype. The focus is the quick creation of a prototype. This does not necessarily mean Rapid Prototyping (3D printing, CNC, etc.). This can be as easy as a paper prototype, or  mechanical turk.