You have the best idea in the world for a product, but who will buy it? Will they like it? You’re working on your product, but you don’t know how to get to a working prototype, or maybe you don’t know what you’re prototype should be (MVP). Tech coaching will help you get from where you are now to your prototype or MVP. You can then start testing, validating, showing off, or selling. Depending on your needs we can create a plan of approach for the whole process, of focus on one particular stage. My experience will help you avoid common mistakes, and access to my network of specialists will get you the help you need in the actual development. The coaching is online and costs €500,- (ex tax) per month. For this you will get:
– A personalized plan of approach including end goal and milestones
– Weekly contact on progress
– Access to my network of specialists and professionals
If you are in need of more hands on services, check out the other service